The first multi-module IBA R&J Instructors Course was concluded at the European Boxing Foundation Academy in Assisi, Italy
September 19th, 2022 / IBA Courses

IBA continues its professional development work at the global level by demonstrating its commitment to UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 – quality education for all; we must buy in to our people by promoting lifelong learning and requalification opportunities. IBA has supported this area of education for its most experienced personnel during the recent pilot course for International Technical Officials (ITOs) and potential R&J Instructors held in Assisi from September 5th to September 11th. The European boxing capital welcomed 16 participants from the senior cohort of IBA 3-Star Referee and Judges representing all five boxing confederations. The course program consisted of three development modules required in order to enhance the IBA workforce and evaluation/instructional capability, as well as refreshing that knowledge, skill and expertise (KSE) as part of IBAs Continuous Professional Development (CPD); ‘Education is a commitment to excellence in teaching and learning’.
The first module consisted of the ITO Course designed for broadening that knowledge and education out with of the roles normally performed as Referees and Judges; a key component of the course provided the foundation of understanding with aspects of work conducted within the Field of Play (FOP). The second compulsory module involved all educational aspects of the Referee and Judge evaluation process, which included those areas of practice, including a fairly comprehensive digital literacy package to ensure our education personnel are up-to date with the very latest management tools, to include and overview of the recent changes in the work of the IBA Database. The course was completed with the third and final module focusing specifically around the teaching techniques, skills, and methods of instruction, specific to our boxing audience. The module was concluded by the presentations on different competition and technical rule topics, prepared and presented by the participants in pairs as a part of practical assessment aimed at evaluating presenter and educator skill. Each course module was followed by comprehensive written and/or oral examination undertaken with absolute attention to detail by two extremely experienced IBA Instructors – Wayne Rose of Australia and Ray Silvas of USA.
“I was honoured to be called back to conduct another IBA Instructor Course in Assisi, Italy – home of the European Boxing Academy. This course was designed to identify and prepare future R&J Instructors and Evaluators who play a key role in IBA Competitions around the world. All candidates in this course were former 3-Star R&Js that have participated at the highest events in IBA. The course was unique in the fact that the candidates were able to obtain not only their Instructor certification but also their ITO certification as well. Chris Roberts, Wayne Rose, Anna Utkina, and Amir Orfia did a marvellous job in putting together all of the necessary ingredients for a successful course. I truly feel we are headed in the right direction in improving our R&Js and the decisions they give at all of our important competitions”, – Course Instructor – Ray Silvas.
“The course in Assisi, led by two super experienced instructors, was very intense and very well structured. Even though the instructors worked with experienced 3 STAR R&Js, they left nothing to chance even in terms of knowledge of the rules. Of course, they also focused on updates and changes in the Technical and Competition rules. They gave us the basics necessary to master the demanding work of lecturing, working with people as well us tips where further inspiration can be found. They taught us to understand the difference between the work of a R&J and the work of an Evaluator – how to take off an imaginary hat of R&Js when evaluating a bout and put on a hat of an Evaluator. They shared with us many of their experiences on how to be the best evaluator/instructor possible. For me personally, the most rewarding part was the practical exercises of evaluating Referees and Judges. For the final exam, I was glad for the practical part of the presentation (the drawn topic), because speaking in front of people as an instructor is completely different than explaining the rules to a friend. Additionally, many thanks for the hospitality and care of Mr. Franco Falcinelli. “the Boxing Foundation Academy in Assisi is and will be a great training and education centre”, – course participant from Czech Republic – Terzie Krejbychová.
We understand that professional development is key to the success of our organisation and we look forward to extending this education initiative in the very near future. IBA understands the need and requirement across all confederations in respect of officials’ development, and we are extremely keen to support this work, and the aspirations linked to our future world class education and development programme.
As part of our ongoing development programme, IBA actively encourages those officials who may be interested in future courses, to complete the Microsoft Form that can be found at the following link.
Questions and enquiries pertaining to all IBA Development workstrands/courses, should in the first instance be directed to We will do our utmost to answer your questions at the earliest opportunity.