IBA Courses / IBA & ISDE

Students received first certificates of IBA & ISDE Sports Management Course

July 30th, 2024 / IBA & ISDE, IBA Courses

Participants of an inaugural Sports Management Course have successfully finished all 8 educational modules of Tier 1. The course, launched in early 2024 by IBA in cooperation with a leading university, Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía (ISDE), was designed to educate and guide people in the sports industry, particularly, in boxing.

Designed to cater for athletes, officials, federation, and confederation staff, as well as other stakeholders in the world of boxing, this course is set to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the sports management arena. The course program was born from the idea that there are many people involved in boxing, and it’s IBA’s duty to provide them with the opportunity of professional development and growth within the sport. Among the participants, 11 have an athlete’s background, and 32% of students are women.

The Sports Management course is structured into three distinct tiers: Tier 1 (basic), Tier 2 (intermediate), and Tier 3 (advanced). Each tier culminates with the issuance of a certificate, and successful completion of those respective tiers, grants students the eligibility to progress to the next level. Note that both Tier 1 and 2 will be conducted as distance learning (online), whereas Tier 3 will be a residential learning environment to take place in Madrid at the University. Students are required to complete the modules in sequence dependent on success at each level or stage of the course.

As a final project of a Tier 1, the participants had to make a comprehensive presentation of a boxing event including all aspects of the preparations – sporting, technical, financial, marketing, promotional and others. The groups proposed some brilliant ideas that can be implemented in the future.

‘I am happy to witness the emergence of new professionals in the sports management industry,’ IBA Secretary General and CEO Chris Roberts OBE said. ‘For IBA, it is of crucial importance to provide continuous professional development opportunities for our Boxing Family members, including former athletes. I am confident that the students of the course will continue their education to Tiers 2 and 3 and will become highly sought-after specialists in the market.’

‘It was already expressed that this is a first of its kind course; not only for the IBA, but as a bespoke course for constituents of a sporting federation,’ said Dev Kumar Parmar, Academic Director at ISDE. ‘ISDE is proud to be able to deliver the excellence sought by the IBA for this ground breaking project, and it was an honor for myself to be present to see the desire displayed by the students throughout. Ever present, ever willing, and hugely participative, I’m looking forward to seeing them all in Tier 2 and beyond.’

In December 2022, IBA and ISDE entered into a cooperation agreement with the purpose to develop education in sports of boxing.