IBA reiterates its stance to National Federations of Asia following the call of ASBC Extraordinary Congress

Further to the official statement made by the Asian Boxing Confederation (ASBC) on the 26th of June 2024 and the call for the continental Extraordinary Congress, IBA would like to simply reiterate the firm position and stance regarding this announcement.
It is clear that there is some considerable confusion that has been brought about by this statement, particularly with the IOC’s stance on the upcoming LA28 Olympic Games due to the inconsistencies in their narrative. Whilst we note the comments made within the statement, the call for an Extraordinary Congress on the 31st of August absolutely remains within the gift of the continent. These measures will only strengthen the support to IBA, as it is clear that the vast majority of members wish to remain in situ with our organization.
Whilst we understand the challenges faced with what is currently going on, we reiterate that World Boxing has not been officially recognized by the IOC, nor any other organization. It remains a struggle for this organization for the past 12 months and continues to remain so. The Olympic story is current, and the build on the back this current state has brought about this confusion for our members, and to be honest, completely irresponsible.
IBA would like to reiterate to its membership, not only across Asia but also the remaining four continents; never be pushed into something that does not concur with our current sporting work ethic. Under the current leadership of IBA, President Umar Kremlev has given a tremendous amount to support both our National Federations and our athletes. Since its conception of prize money support, IBA has rolled almost 20 million USDs to support its medalists; we have managed a highly engaging and competitive calendar that has allowed our National Federations and respective boxers to plan the independent performance pathways to glory. Indeed, without those events, it would simply not be possible for our athletes to be as successful as they have been leading into Paris 2024.
We remind that the decision to go or to stay an IBA member sits solely with their respective NF’s General Assembly. IBA believes in balanced decisions based on the best interests of the athletes.
IBA will continue to support and will endeavor to contact all respective National Federations over the next few weeks in order to reiterate our firm stance and position.