IBA message of support regarding the upcoming World Boxing Championships in New Delhi, India, and Tashkent, Uzbekistan
February 16th, 2023 / IBA

Dear IBA Athletes,
Dear IBA National Federations,
Dear Boxing Family,
I am writing you today in your capacity as leader and guardian of your National Federation and its athletes, coaches, technical officials, administrators, and boxing fans. IBA as the sole international governing body of boxing, and at this critical juncture for our sport, I must reiterate our steadfast commitment to an athlete-first approach to governance, with the clear mission to promote, support, develop and unite the prestigious and historic sport of boxing worldwide.
As you will have seen and heard, some nations have taken it upon themselves to take the decision to boycott our flagship World Boxing Championships in New Delhi and Tashkent. Decisions to do so have been made in a vacuum and do not reflect the views of their athletes, coaches, technical officials, and administrators within these National Federations.
The confusion and misinformation within these National Federations has resulted in a steady stream of complaints from athletes, coaches, technical officials, and administrators that do not support this decision and need immediate support in making sure they can attend these events.
Your loyalty and commitment to IBA must be recognized and commended, as you have chosen to put your athletes first and not fall victim to divisive political moves designed to undermine IBA and the numerous initiatives taken to ensure all athletes are able to compete. With this, athletes will have the chance to become World Champion, and receive the rewards that come with that with a view to a financially sustainable career that will lay the foundation for life after boxing.
IBA has declared its utmost commitment to doing whatever possible including financial aid through its Financial Support Program (FSP) to ensure that all boycotting National Federation athletes are able to fight for glory and achieve their dream of becoming a World Champion. Any athlete or coach of a boycotted National Federation who would like to attend, as it is an open event, can directly register for the World Boxing Championships by contacting sport@iba.sport.
To the leadership of National Federations that choose to use geopolitics as a means to play political games within boxing, IBA stands by the fact that athletes, coaches and officials from a country shall not be liable for any conduct of the management of their national federations or any political games.
IBA reaffirms its commitment and condemns any form of discrimination which is prohibited in accordance with Article 4 of the IBA Constitution as well as under the Olympic Charter and believes that the athletes cannot be responsible for the conduct of the politics from their countries.
I thank you for your support and commitment to the IBA and boxing and I look forward to welcoming you in New Delhi and Tashkent for the World Boxing Championships.
Sincerest regards,
George Yerolimpos
IBA Secretary General and CEO