IBA Education – continuous learning around the world
February 1st, 2022 / IBA

In June 2021 IBA renewed its Development Program that included updating IBA Educational Courses programs, refreshing knowledge of IBA officials and Coaches, recertification process for IBA Ringside Doctors, elaborating special educational modules for women involved in boxing and R&J and Coaches Instructor’s Courses aimed at extending IBA Instructors Pool with the most experienced trainers who will be able to deliver courses in all IBA official languages worldwide.
Last year IBA adopted its Educational Programs to the new digitalization reality caused by the world health crisis to provide National Federations with continuous learning opportunities. In 2021 IBA organized virtual and physical 1-Star, 2 -Star and 3-Star R&J and Coaches Courses, ITO and Ringside Doctors Courses at national, continental and international levels.
Online AIBA 1-Star Coaches Courses organized in a virtual format in Ecuador in June and later in Jordan in December are one of the best examples of the new IBA online educational programs.
“The course was well organized with great support from the instructor having the detailed information about boxing rules, training methods, planning, health and diet.”
Fadi Waqqad – online 1-Star Coaches Course participant from the Jordan Boxing Association
The biggest number of requests were received to host 1-Star R&J Courses that took place in 5 countries on 3 continents in three IBA official languages. The current program for R&Js is now being updated to adapt it to the New Scoring System that should be tested this year starting with grass-root levels.
“At the outset, I would like to thank the International Boxing Association for organizing this course, which was the turning point for me in achieving my goals. We thank the instructor for his efforts in clarifying and explaining all the requirements, following up and evaluating the referees in a theoretical and practical way. I hope to complete this process until I get 3 stars under the umbrella of the IBA.”
Diana Alkurdi – 1-Star R&J Course participant
“I would like to express my heartful thanks to IBA for giving me this opportunity. The course in Jordan provided us with the most important international experience and self-confidence, we learned how to lead fights in a better way. This course came at the right time after we obtained experience from many bouts in the Kingdom and gave us the motivation to enter the new level. The international badge received after this training happened with the cooperation of the IBA R&Js Committee and my colleagues from the National Federation. I aspire to prepare for the new IBA courses to get more experience and move forward into higher levels of expertise.”
Manar Younis – 1-Star R&J Course participant from the Jordan Boxing Association
R&Js Course in Odessa was held at a high level! Thanks to the Ukrainian Boxing Federation and IBA for organization. All the conditions were comfortable, the instructors provided us with information very competently and in detail. For those who do not understand English, the host federation provided a professional interpreter. Thank you for the knowledge and experience.
Oleksandr Vasiuk, Volodymyr Shevchenko – 1-Star R&J Course participants from the Ukranian Boxing Federation
3-Star R&J Refresher Course organized within Men’s World Boxing Championships in Belgrade became one of the main achievements in the sphere of R&J Development in 2021. The course followed the Referee and Judge Core Model & Profile, Ethics, and Behaviour model, Recent rule changes and other essential detailed modules for professional R&J performance on and off the Field of Play.
“The best strategic alliance for development with all Referees and Judges, is the collaborative working relationship with other entities in IBA that share resources to increase the values and competitive results for our boxers. The balance is shifting to close the ‘Gender Gap’ with our R&Js, ITOs and Evaluators. Everyone deserves to be given the ability to learn and grow: ‘Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail’ (Ralph Waldo Emerson)”
Sadie Duffy – 3-Star R&J worked in Belgrade
During the same championships, the Recertification Ringside Doctors Course was successfully organized in Belgrade. In September 2021, IBA announced that all the Ringside Doctor certificates should be renewed until 31st August 2022, and, consequently, continuous re-qualification of doctors was needed on all continents and at all levels. All National Federations were accordingly informed about the changes that were integrated in order to make all the doctors up to date with the new advancements and complications in the sport to support and protect the boxers in the safest way that had always been one of the IBA’s priority.
“The AIBA Ringside Doctors Course is an incredible experience! Not only did I meet great professionals from all over the world, but also learned the newest updates in management and prevention of injury in boxing. We have had a great time learning, discussing new information and analyzing mistakes. Also, we had time to practice skills of suture, management of injured boxing in the corner and down boxer inside the ring. Dr. Filippatos pointed at some tricky scenarios that can happen to anyone who works as a ringside doctor. And these cases really happened not once. Luckily, I passed the exams and now I’m eager to work with my colleagues. See you at the ringside in 2022!”
Dr. Artur Rakhatsevich – participant of the Ringside Doctors Course in Belgrade, doctor of the Belarussian National Team
3-Star Coaches Course successfully took place during the ASBC Men and Women’s Asian Boxing Championships in Dubai in May 2021. When the registration for the course was open, the response was overwhelming from coaches wanting to get their 3-Star certification. The Coaches Committee had an uphill task of shortlisting participants; 25 attendees were shortlisted to take part in the course. With the education program happening during the championships, some coaches who were with their team were able to execute some of the practical lessons with their boxers.
3-Star R&J Course was another education program that was held during the ASBC Asian Men and Women’s Championships. Similar to the coaches course the response was also overwhelming. Shortlisted 28 participants attended the course to try and get the highest IBA certification for R&Js. New modules of Behaviour and Ethics were included as a part of the course.
ITO Course was the third one that successfully took place in Dubai in May 2021. The course attracted a lot of participants from different parts of the world who wanted to become International Technical Officials. The course hosted 20 attendees who went through strenuous theoretical and practical training. Having the course amidst the championships was very helpful for the participants as they could see the different roles of an ITO on and off the field of play instead of having to visualize it.
“The ITO course in Dubai was a very valuable experience for me. It perfectly combined theory with practice. At the same time it was very important that the chair of the IBA Competition Committee Michael Müller came to supervise the exams. The most important thing for me was the opportunity to sit every day alongside excellent evaluators and to try my role practically in such a big and important competition as the Asian Championships. Even the organisation itself was very good. Last but not least, I met a lot of new friends from all over the world. All in all, this course in Dubai was very valuable, even if demanding.”
Ms. Terezie Krejbychova – participant of the ITO course in Dubai from the Czech Boxing Association
Special attention last year was paid to the education of women involved in boxing. The IBA Women’s Committee worked hard on the development of the Women’s Aspire Program aimed at training women R&Js, Coaches, ITOs, Doctors and Administrators. One of the key initiatives in the sphere of women education for 2022 is Women’s Committee Webinars – educational webinars from Women’s Committee members for NFs on various topics on a regular basis as well as Boxer to Coach/R&J/ITO Requalification Program for those women boxers who are not able to continue their career as active athletes.
“I have been wanting to get certified by IBA since I retired from competition a long time ago. I would not have expected to become a 1-Star IBA coach virtually in the midst of a pandemic. We are blessed to live in a brilliant world that can produce such a course virtually. I never thought I would take a boxing course online, I was very impressed with how smoothly the course was delivered by our instructor Mr. Ervin Kade via zoom. He shared valuable, clear, methodical and thorough information that we received right from the comfort of our homes saving lots of time, travel and finance. For the practical sessions it was interesting to watch our instructor teach various boxers of all ages and levels In Finland while we are in Jordan! I highly recommend this course especially for women who want to advance from boxer to coach.”
Arifa Bseiso – online 1-Star Coaches Course participant, IBA Women’s Committee member
In 2022 IBA is planning to extend the number of courses organized worldwide through introducing updated educational programs for 2- and 3-Star levels for R&Js and Coaches, continue with the organization of Ringside Doctors Courses on other continents, initiate Women’s Aspire Program preliminarily planned to take place in Asissi Academy with some of the Women Educational Courses be organized as a pilot project within the IBA Women’s World Championships in Istanbul, intentions to hold ITO Courses on different continents and hold a new Cutman Course.
We kindly remind all National Federations who are willing to organize an educational course to send a request to the IBA Education education@iba.sports indicating course name, the approximate number of international/national participants, course language and location.
Courses Calendar 2022 is constantly updating via https://www.iba.sport/iba-courses-calendar-2022/.