Future exciting development opportunities for International Technical Officials (ITOs) and potential instructors
July 15th, 2022 / IBA Courses

IBA are extremely excited to announce future opportunities in respect of development for International Technical Officials (ITOs) and potential Instructors. We are mindful that professional development is key to the success of our organisation, in particular those officials who are keen to progress and to broaden their own career horizons. IBA understands the need and requirement across all confederations in respect of officials’ development, we are extremely keen to support this work, and the aspirations linked to our future world class education and development programme.
We require exceptional people who have the practical ability and aptitude to become an ITO, along with those necessary skills that would create the conditions for future success in the respect of instructional development. Whilst we have clear oversight of all ITOs and International R&Js within the officials’ database, IBA would like to offer up the opportunity for our people to unlock their potential and to be recommended for courses that we are looking at putting together in the future. Potential participants will be required to go through a series of vetting and security checks, along with interviews for those who may be considered. Note that responses must be agreed and cleared through respective National Federations in the first instance.
As proof of concept, the very first pilot course will be held in Assisi from September 5th-11th 2022, whereby nominated candidates from the senior cohort of IBA 3-Star Referee and Judges will be invited to attend an ITO course in order to enhance our workforce and evaluation/instructional capability. Note that IBA 3-Star R&Js who wish to be considered, must meet the following preference skill set.
There will also be an element of refresh (Continuous Professional Development (CPD)) to bring already existing ITO/R&J instructors up to speed with the very latest teaching methodologies; this will be conducted virtually with instructors invited directly by the IBA Development Team. Expected dates will be published once numbers are confirmed, likely to be towards the back end of August and September 2022 respectively.
Those officials who may be interested are encouraged to complete the Microsoft Form that can be found at the following link.
We kindly remind all the interested parties that all IBA Educational Courses are free of charge. However, all accommodation and travel expenses should be covered by the National Federation an official is affiliated with or by participants themselves.
In case you have additional questions, please forward them to IBA Education Department education@iba.sport