
Christmas Greetings

December 25th, 2023 / General

The International Boxing Association extends heartfelt congratulations to the esteemed global community of boxing champions as we embrace the spirit of Christmas!

Your unyielding dedication, unparalleled skill, and exemplary sportsmanship have not only graced the ring but have become beacons of inspiration worldwide.

In the symphony of triumphs that defined this year, your performances resonated like a perfectly struck punch, leaving an indelible mark on the sport. As the bells of Christmas ring, let them echo the victorious spirit you embody.

May this festive season bring you moments of profound joy, camaraderie, and reflection on the milestones achieved. Your commitment to excellence continues to elevate the sport, and we anticipate even greater accomplishments in the coming year.

Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas filled with the warmth of success and the joy of shared achievements.

With the utmost respect and admiration,

The International Boxing Association (IBA)