Coaches Development
Investment in Coaches is a key priority for IBA as it continuously seeks to deliver top-quality boxers on the world stage.

The IBA pathway creates a clear system for developing coaches from the national level right up to IBA 3-Star certification, ensuring the highest quality and global standards are met in coaching. A dedicated team of IBA Coaches Instructors can be deployed anywhere in the world to deliver IBA Coaches Certification Courses.
1. Coaches Development Program 2021-2022
- E-learning: online courses and webinars for the Coaches to update the level;
- Appointment of National level Instructors and creating Basics Manual for NFs to launch 1-Star Coaches Courses;
- Multilingual and multicultural courses to provide more courses at national level in local languages taking into account cultural features both physically and online;
- Updating Instructor Pool through adding more experienced people, including Instructors for the Coaches Instructor Course (as instructors of the instructors);
- Collaboration with Universities to keep on track with development;
- Regular meetings in Teams-Coaches, Instructors, Confederations to carry on the work with the programs in between the meetings;
- Development of the IBA Youtube channel for video tutorials and exercise folders for coaches and boxers;
- Updating manuals and training materials;
- Introduction of 4-star (instructor for national level) and 5-star (mentor, instructor for international level);
- Elaboration of Code of Conduct for Coaches.
2. Coaches Courses
For National Federations to host the IBA Courses
If you are a National Federation and would like to host an IBA Coaches Certification Course, please send the following information to
- Course level (1-, 2-, 3-Star level)
Please note that 3-Star Coaches Courses could be organized only within either Continental or International IBA Competitions. - Course location
- Course language
Please note that in case a course is delivered in non-IBA official language, the host NF is responsible for providing interpretation for the participants. - Number of NF/International participant
- Format of the course (online / physical)
Please note that for 1 Instructor max. number of participants is 20 people.
For Coaches to participate in the IBA Courses
If you are a Coach and would like to participate in an IBA Coaches Certification Course, please first review the appropriate course guidelines to ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements. If you meet all the requirements, please follow the IBA Courses Calendar 2022 and contact your National Federation to register you for an upcoming IBA Coaches Certification Course. Please be sure that you have a profile in the IBA Database.