IBA / IBA Champions Night

IBA launches comprehensive Champions’ Night training program to develop the next generation of premier boxing referees and judges

July 4th, 2024 / IBA, IBA Champions Night

The International Boxing Association (IBA) is proud to announce the launch of its new Professional Certification Program. This comprehensive training package and certification is designed to provide our officials with the knowledge, skills and expertise needed to officiate at the highest technical level of IBA professional boxing events.

Under this Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Program, the IBA will offer a series of workshops and certification training for our senior cohort of officials, including IBA 3-Star R&Js and respective Technical Delegates. These officials will have the opportunity to participate in the Champion’s Nights, which showcase the best boxers in this professional transition from around the world.

The training program, currently being designed and revised by the newly selected IBA Professional Boxing Committee, will soon be open for registration. It will consist of both theoretical and practical components, covering important topics such as scoring criteria, movement and management in the ring, and the transition from amateur to professional officiating.

Participants will also learn about the R&J core model and profile, as well as both ethics and behavior management. These key topics will ensure that our officials are extremely well-prepared for their roles in the IBA professional series. Additionally, the course will incorporate training for future projects, with specialized modules and the ability to create a successful future for all involved within the IBA.

The certification program aims to equip officials with a deep understanding of the technical rules and regulations governing professional boxing. It will also provide them with a clear understanding of their specific responsibilities and duties within their chosen role, both personally and professionally. The IBA encourages all officials who are interested in continuing their journey, with the pre-requisite of both 3-Star R&J level, or International Technical Official, to take advantage of this unique opportunity. Further in detail information will follow shortly, but for initial enquiries, please reach out to